
Monday, 3 April 2017

going to swimming

On Mondays and Wednesdays we go to swimming after morning ea at 12.00.
I really like about swimming doing big circle arms because you have to kick and do big circle arms and so i like freestyle.
I filled excited because i been waiting to go swimming.
I go swimming with my class.
I swim with people with in my group.
My Instructor is Jed.
We used life jacket and we lay on our back and floated.
Our instructors told us we have to put our right hand on our left shoulder and put our left hand behind our head.
When we have our life jacket on they tell us to do a starfish.
They tell us to get our boards and kick and do big circle arms on the front of the board.
Jed teaches us hour to put on our life jackets and to float on our back.
I learnt from my instructor dolphin dives.

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