
Tuesday, 30 August 2016

A day in the life of a sports star

Who are the characters in my story?
Where is my story set - which country, city  -  where in that city?
When is my story set?

Start your introduction here there were Valerie Adams mahe Drysdale Lydia Ko bond and Murray us ain bolt and Lisa Carrington. At their  game they can play games or the day can be raining or there coach could be in a trafficking and he was coming late. Or the coach can be at a apartment they will have a another coach if it wasn't raining or had thunder or lighting the the game could  of been cantal. 

Lydia Ko was at a castle she asked a room service for feedback and she got a drink from the room service and the place she was  at she was at  Pakistan and her food was chocolate and her drink was juice. 

What problem do your characters face?
How did the problem happen?

Start writing about your problem here
On the game someone could trip you over or yourself could if  fallen over. 
Or your bone could  of Breakdown and then you could go to the hospital. 
If it was a sunny day your team could off when on in a boat and you came late then they couldof forgot you or if you came on time and you went a boat and there were to much people or the boat could of break down. 

Lydia ko got  in trouble because she went out off the castle then they had to go on to their  horse to hide away from the people that are getting her. but Lydia Ko went on a black horse to run fastest then the white horse so she can run faster and hide away the people that are getting her. So Lydia Ko came to the castle she had to took the King and the  Princess and the president and to give her a speak.

How did the problem get solved?
What did the characters do?  
How does your story end?

Start writing about your resolution here they should do a apology and walk away if they were in a fight if someone was from India you should this go back to there own country. Latter ago Lydia Ko came out the kingdom to talk to the King and the queen to tell her not to run out the castle again and she did want they told her.
Who are the characters in my story?
Where is my story set - which country, city  -  where in that city?
When is my story set?

Start your introduction here there were Valerie Adams mahe Drysdale Lydia Ko bond and Murray us ain bolt and Lisa Carrington. At their  game they can play games or the day can be raining or there coach could be in a trafficking and he was coming late. Or the coach can be at a apartment they will have a another coach if it wasn't raining or had thunder or lighting the the game could  of been cantal. 

Lydia Ko was at a castle and she asked a room service for feedback.  She got a drink from the room service for food. The place she was  at she was at  Pakistan her food was chocolate and juice. 

What problem do your characters face?
How did the problem happen?

Start writing about your problem here
On the game someone could trip you over or yourself could if  fallen over. 
Or your bone could  of Breakdown and then you could go to the hospital. 
If it was a sunny day your team could off when on in a boat and you came late then they couldof forgot you or if you came on time and you went a boat and there were to much people or the boat could of break down. 

Lydia ko got  in trouble because she went out off the castle then they had to go on to their  horse to hide away from the people that are getting her. but Lydia Ko went on a black horse to run fastest then the white horse so she can run faster and hide away the people that are getting her. So Lydia Ko came to the castle she had to took the King and the  Princess and the president and to give her a speak.

How did the problem get solved?
What did the characters do?  
How does your story end?

Start writing about your resolution here they should do a apology and walk away if they were in a fight if someone was from India you should this go back to there own country. Latter ago Lydia Ko came out the kingdom to talk to the King and the queen to tell her not to run out the castle again and she did want they told her.

Maths week 6

We are learning to:
Use equal sharing to find half, third, quarter of a number
Match an equation to an equal share

Olympics flag

I spy

WALT:  I can read my text with fluency and use my text to answer questions.
I can make inferences based on my text

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Valerie Adams

Valerie Adams does  the shot put and she got a silver medal. Back in 2008 she won a gold medal and in 2012 in London she also won a gold medal. USA are  winners of the Rio gold medal. Valerie Adams drinks water before she starts her game.

When she get ready to throw she  stands in a  little circle. It is white so she can aim at the hole so she doesn't lose the ball. Valerie Adams  has strong muscles in her arms to make the shot put go far away. She sets a goal so her team can win. Valerie Adams has to learn from her coach before she starts. She has to throw the ball as far as she can with one hand. 

Valerie Adams got a score for New Zealand.  Valerie was a world champion last year. In  the Olympics, Valerie Adams has to use a heavy ball so it can go over 20 metres. 

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Maths week 5

I am learning to:
Read four digit numbers
Add hundreds, tens and ones
Subtracting hundreds, tens and ones

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

The surprise

WALT:  I can read my text with fluency and use my text to answer questions.
I can use my word knowledge to expand contractions

Monday, 22 August 2016

Lisa Carrington

Lisa Carrington    kayaking     Olympics     closing ceremony
Lisa  Carrington   came first on the boats.  there was one two three four and five boats that were in the water. when Lisa carrington  was first she came  out off the boats to holder the  a golden medal and a bronze medal then she had to hold up the flag. There boats were called kayaking and the person in the boat was Lisa   Carrington and she was in the kayaking boat and everyone in her group had a kayaking.
Lisa Carrington    kayaking     Olympics     closing ceremony
Lisa  Carrington   came first on the kayaks.  There was one, two, three, four and five boats that were in the water. When Lisa Carrington  was first she came  out of the boats to hold up  the  a gold medal and a bronze medal. Lisa got to carry the flag at the Olympic closing ceremony.

Maths week 5

Maths week 5

I am learning to:
Read four digit numbers
Add hundreds, tens and ones
Subtracting hundreds, tens and onesi

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Maths week 4

WALT:  Know the difference between half past, quarter to & quarter past
Estimate and compare times to actuali


Sportsmanship      cross country     helping     honest       Olympics
When you start going to cross country we have to listen to our institutions or listen to our coach so we know want to do so we don't do the wrong thing  In case you need it. If someone in my group if I was big if someone in my group fell down I can help them if they need help and I can run with them.  Cross country is a practice it not a faunal  one.

Red rattles

WALT: compare information in our text to form an opinion.l

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

The race

Mahe Drysdale    rowing     photo    finish     gold medal    celebrate   Olympics
What would happen before the race. I would drink water before I start my Game or I will be nervous. What would happen during the race. I could bang into someone  when I'm running or I can run fast or faster their  that or speed or speedy. I would be proud and I would be happy of someone thati would like to be great. I would  be go back to my game the next day and the next day then I would do the same thing I done on my first day.

Monday, 15 August 2016


On the weekend I watched prime because prime  is amazing prime tv and when I watch it I see mahe Drysdale on prime because when we watch rip on prime and when it finished we watch dance moms but I didn't know it was on two times or it was a add. When I watch it it amazing and they do awesome kicks. They are fantastic at kicking the rugby ball and when they run they get exercise and engage and they learn very well. When there was to boats in the water one were New Zealand and one was Australia and to of them were a tile  so they had to take a photo so they know Who won the gold medal. The terms who won the golden medal. 

Friday, 12 August 2016

Maths week 3

WALT:  I am learning to solve word problems by identifying the equation
I am learning to add hundreds, tens & onesi

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

The greatest race on earth

WALT take notes and summarise main ideas.

Maths week 3

WALT:  I am learning to solve word problems by identifying the equation
I am learning to add hundreds, tens & oneself

Maths week 3

WALT:  I am learning to read and write numbers over 1000
I am learning to add hundreds, tens & ones

Friday, 5 August 2016

The olympics

The  Olympics does horse riding and table tennis and marathon and fencing. The olympics are held  in Brazil. The olympics does  football and gymnastics. Athletes dash lot of work at creec and the only pics get glowing and they banned from the King long time ago and they do lots of running so the get executive and strong and they can run fasted and fasted and fasted all even more fasted then lots of people. All the sports like rugby they can run fast at their game and they can Do fast running and some of the boys in there they play tunch and other games.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Maths week 2

WALT:  Know the difference between half past and o'clock
Know how many seconds are in an minute & minutes in an hour

At the game

Maths week 3

WALT:  I can use multiple texts to form an opinion.
I can use my understanding of the text to make statements about a topic

Ancient olympics

Olympics      Olympia      Greeks     chariot racing       running       history     ancients
When they were at the ancient olympics  they were doing  old sport. When they  win their  gold medal it means they are champions. Champions are runners that can run fast. Later they had to do only one round and that bullring there should do lots of rounds and that how they get exercise. The King banned the olympics in 781 ad.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Maths week 2

WALT:  Know the difference between half past and o'clock
Know how many seconds are in an minute & minutes in an hour