
Friday, 1 September 2023

Significant Places - Bradley Auelua

Focus Questions

What does the word significant mean? 

What does a significant place mean?

Firstly, to start off this blog post, I highly believe that the word "significant" means something important, meaningful, worthy of attention, or has a huge impact on something or someone. The word "significant" can be used to describe events, achievements, or personal experiences, or could hold a special value to something you like in general. 

A significant place refers to a location that holds great importance or significance. It could be a place that has historical, cultural, or important value. For example, a significant place is Glen Innes as it is considered a significant place due to its diverse community of New Zealanders and people across the world.

What is a place that is significant to me and why?

Personally speaking, a significant place to me currently is Tamaki College. Over the past two years, Tamaki College has taught me numerous subjects by helping me gain enough knowledge and strength when cooperating with my learning. Tamaki College has been a real stepping-stone for my future as it's going to play a crucial role in my career preparing me for my future. Tamaki College has helped me build a well-going relationship with my learning and peers, furthermore, helping me build a relationship with my education and the school itself. Tamaki College is currently pushing me to the point where I'm currently learning and preparing for my future by helping me prepare for exams, assessments & assignments, which will eventually help me succeed in the future.

Another place that is significant to me is Glen Innes. Glen Innes is significant because it's a diverse community where people from all around the world stay, holding a special meaning by creating a significant place for myself and my family, amongst others who live in the local area. Glen Innes is a suburb in East Auckland where some were raised and born. Although, with Glen Innes just being a diverse community, Glen Innes is significant because it offers a wide range of supermarkets, dairies & cultural areas such as Te Oro which people visit on a daily basis. Glen Innes offers a wide range of transportation to other parts of Auckland using various types of transportation methods such as trains and buses which provide easy access to other parts of Auckland.