
Thursday, 29 October 2020

He Aha Te Taima? What is the time?

Task Description: Today in rotations for Te Reo we did "He aha te Taima" It's what is the time? We had to write down the times that are shown but in Te Reo.

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Sustainability Water: Paragraph


If we waste water more animals, humans and plant will not live. If we save water and stop wasting it, more of the plants will live.

97% of our water is salt water, and salt water is NOT drinkable.  3% of our water is drinkable. Extra: 97% of our water is salt water. 2% of our water is locked up in glaciers, 1% of our water is drinkable.

Saving our water will save our plants and animals. Make sure not to waste to many water on plants. 

Climate change and pollution makes our water taste not so good. All the rubbish that has gotten into the water that’s causing a bad taste. 

Our water should not be for waste, and our water should not be polluted.  You shouldn’t just waste water, water is in need, only use water when needed. It keeps us healthy and it keeps the animals live and makes them healthy to.

We should stop polluting the Ocean, and use less water. We should only use water when needed. We should keep our environment clean.  

Farmers were asked to take care of there farm and animals, and keep an eye on the animals, incase they pollute the ocean.

Some animals pollute the water, not just farm animals, other animals pollute the ocean to but People think the problem is that dairy farming that the farm is near the rivers, and lakes and that the mud and dirt is getting into the water.

Farmers need to take care of there animals, and make sure  there animals are not polluting the ocean.

Renewable Energy

Task Description: Today's blog post is 'Renewable Energy'. We learned about energy, and we had to highlight important texts and descriptions that are important about energy.

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Sustainability Water.

Task Description: Today I worked on my Water Sustainability. We watched 3 videos, and gave some tips and a important description on what we found out about the video. Next we had to do our SEE paragraphs, Statement, Explanation and Example.

Thursday, 15 October 2020

Ko wai ō hoa? Who are your friends?

Task Description: Today for Te Reo for rotations. We did Ko wai ō hoa? Who are you friends? 

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Plastic Fantastic: Sustainability Environment.

Task Description: For this weeks literacy we did Plastic Fantastic. We learned about plastic been affecting animals and we  also learned about Sustainability. We had to watch a video and list down some notes and some information from the video we just watched. For our create task, we had to create a slide and poster for our readers to read and know what we've been leaning about.