
Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Te Tuhi

This is How we make the smoke came we used our hands to make the smoke come up and we went into the art studio room and we used the shapes and then we Glede it on. When we were at the art studio we used shapes. We went to a gallery today we went to this video room.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

My castle

The Castle  that we did yesterday was awesome and some people  didn't start yet.  Some   of the people's castle wasn't finish and they made there Castle  awesome when they had time. Our castle is colourful and beautiful and awesome and everyone has a castle on there iPad and everybody got a spider and some people don't get  a spider they get a girl that's is walking in there. house. Deejays spider was walking then it went up the tree but its swinged first the spider climbed on it and then it used it web and then webed on it. When he finished we had to pack up and we had to pack our bag. 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Maori art

Yesterday we were working in the classroom and we were newsing owi  pencils first and then we were newsing black crayons and we news rulers and it is a building and it is called a Gallery and when it the 23th of June all of the year threes a going to Maori art. When we go we are going in a bus. When we get there we have to not thatch things we are not a lord to thatch.

Lions and tigers

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Sydney opera house

The Sydney Opera House
 is  cool and millions of people that went there and it was a building that millions of people made. The shells was white and if you smash it it will brack  and I would not  Brack shells if I was at aother  country. The Sydney opera house is cutevey and soft and it is like a trayakool but it is it and it was from Mother Nature. 

There were 10000  workers that made the Sydney Opera House. When it was all ready finished the Queen had to open it in 1973. They needed $102 million dollars to build it. Inside the Opera House there are 15,500 lights. The man that designed it was Jorn Utzon. Outside there are  1000s and 1000s  of roof tiles.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Sydney opera house

The Sydney Opera House
 is  cool and millions of people that went there and it was a building that millions of people made. The shells was white and if you smash it it will brack  and I would not  brack shells if I was at aother  country. The Sydney opera house is cutevey and soft and it is like a trayakool but it is it and it was from Mother Nature. 


Thursday, 9 June 2016


I liked the pyramids and there were two million stone bricks  used to make them. Standing alone  waiting so long and by the bright sun. The people that made the pyramids was when thousands people made it long long ago. Long  ago people made pyramids and they made it still so it could say still and it would not fall down. The pyramids was made by stone bricks and there was 3 stone bricks and the people that went inside and they went in there to look at some staff. All the stone bricks went on the pyramids so thousands people can go in there. The pyramids was made in 2 year long ago. The pyramids was awesome and there was huge stone bricks that were heavy  and huge.